Voice Actor & Audio Describer


Genres and Accents

American Varieties





Whether it’s memoir, a fantasy/romantasy, a self-help book, or a novel replete with foreign accents and mood-altering scenes, Dena Kouremetis considers it her job to make an “audio-movie” out of the written word. The San Francisco native is unique in the voice-acting world, having been a writing professional for publications and sites from the Sacramento Bee to Forbes to The New York Post to Psychology Today, where she maintains a light-hearted Nora Ephron-esque blog on aging well.

Because what takes place in your mind is ten times more graphic than what you can see with your eyes, Kouremetis offer audio description services as well. Using concise wording to explain what is happening in each scene without “stepping” on dialogue (or giving away the story), she creates context for the visually-impaired for any on-screen journey.

Do you belong to a writers’ group interested in learning more about how to make your book go audio? Kouremetis offers her PowerPoint presentation, “Giving Voice to Your Words,” where she dives into the almost ancient history, progression, and explosion of “audio-first” and audio books and what’s involved in making your book or narrative receive wings.

Contact her at examinerdena@gmail.com for more information.